Madeline participated in a group activity, an artistic endeavor, to signal the arrival of spring. The choice was to make a caterpillar or a string of four lady bugs. She (and all the other ladies) chose lady bugs.
The activities director, Liz, ended up with her hands full as many of the ladies decided to participate. The exercise helped them to maintain dexterity as they used paintbrushes to create their individual projects. Madeline was most interested in watching the activity and handling the end result. We named her "Supervisor" and she supplied the encouragement and laughter. I got a job helping with the activity and aided a few of the ladies with the task of painting and attaching lengths of pipe cleaner to serve as "antennae".
I tell you, this sure beats moping about the house wishing I was working. I was only stopping by after doing my shopping on my way home and ended up staying for 2 hours.
By the way, Madeline's new mattress arrived so we can all rest a little easier knowing that she is safely installed in a soft-sided mattress during the night. This type of mattress lessens the risk of her falling out of bed. The board and care facility supplied this at their expense. How great is that?! No extra charge. We continue to be amazed by the love and care lavished upon Madeline. This love and care is really paying off. The nursing assistants have been working diligently with Madeline and tell us that she is now supporting her own weight during transitions between wheelchair and bed and wheelchair and toilet. Upon her arrival, she was only capable of supporting her own weight for a maximum of about 2 seconds. This tells us that her legs are becoming stronger.
She continues to be a joy to visit. We noted a few cards beside her bedside so it looks like she is getting family visits. We can tell you that she sure perks up when family comes to see her and it seems to carry over for a few days. Thank you to those of you that take the time to stop by and say "Hello". It is very much appreciated by all (even the other residents - there are so many sweet ladies there.)