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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Talkin' Bout Dad

Rod and I dropped by to visit with Mom to find all of the ladies involved in a trivia activity. In the short time we eavesdropped, we learned that one ounce of gold (matchbook-sized) can be rolled out the size of a tennis court. It can also be made into a wire that measures 50 miles. Wow! The stuff we don't know...

We brought her out to the front room to visit privately and she was very attentive. She zeroed in on Rod and I and started talking about Dad. She gets into circular, repetitive conversations and today she was convinced that Dad had given up and thus died. She had stern warnings for Rod and myself. She spoke with conviction and kept circling back around to the subject at hand despite our steering the conversation to happier subjects of babies soon to be born and such.

Into our lives, a little seriousness should come and today was a serious day for her. Not hostile, just a talkative mood that leaned on the serious side. By the time dinner was being served she was happy to move on to that activity, releasing us to head home to prepare our own dinnertime meal. By the way, Madeline got a nice haircut this week. She's styling pretty good and still has no problems feeding herself.

FYI: There will be a Luau on July 9th. You will need to contact the nursing home, if you wish to attend. Hawaiian shirts or grass skirts are encouraged.

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